December 12, 2013

Workshop with Bettina Welker - part 2 / Delavnica z Bettino Welker - 2. del

  The afternoon of the second workshop day was scheduled for the Sorbetto pendant. This time I've decided to go outside my colour comfort zone and I've chosen an olive green for my base colour: 
  Popoldanska delavnica drugega dne je bila namenjena sorbet obeskom. Pri izbiri barv sem tokrat stopila nekoliko izven moje varne cone in izbralaolivno zeleno barvo za osnovo:

  The base is mica shift, polished and buffed to a high shine; the clasp part is roughly textured.
  Pri osnovi obeska je uporabljena "mica shift" tehnika, nato pa veliko brušenja in poliranja do visokega sijaja; za zaponko pa je uporabljena groba tekstura.

  I almost forgot to tell you one more interesting thing. All the participants at the worsksop had a homework to do - it was a kind of ticket to enter the worshop. Each one has to make 2 equal big beads: they were supposed to be at least 3 cm/1.2 inch wide/high, but there were no limits for the shape.
  Skoraj sem pozabila povedati še eno zanimivost - vse sodelujoče na delavnici smo imeledomačo nalogo, ki je služila kot neke vrste vstopnica na delavnico. Izdelati smo morale dve enaki veliki perli/koščka iz polimerne gline: v širino oz. višino sta morali meriti vsaj 3 cm, ni pa bilo nobenih omejitev glede oblike.  

  These were mine - inspired by the grape harvest:
  Navdih za perli, ki sem jih izdelala jaz, sem dobila kar pri obdobju trgatev:

  All the beads were put on a beading wire and two equal sets were created:
  Vsi koščki so bili nanizani na vrvico in nastala sta dva enaka seta:

   One set went to the organizers and for the second set all our names were "put in the hat" and Bettina was the one that had to draw the winner. Well, it wasn't me the lucky one :-(
  Prvi set so shranile organizatorice delavnice, za drugi set pa smo se potegovale vse udeleženke. Bettina je izžrebala dobitnico in na mojo veliko žalost to nisem bila jaz :-(

 Anyway, I'm soooo happy I decided to participate at the workshop and had experienced a creative weekend with no everyday taskas and worries. And I also have a new polymer clay book in my collection, and this is signed by the author - Bettina.
  A nič zato, zelooooo sem bila vesela, da sem se odločila sodelovati na delavnici in tako preživeti ustvarjalni vikend brez vsakdanjih opravil in skrbi. Poleg tega pa je moja zbirka knjig bogatejša za Bettinino knjigo - s posvetilom in avtogramom.

Be happy,
Bodite veseli,



Monique (A Half-Baked Notion) said...

Wow, what fun you will have with those wonderful beads, Alenka!

Christine Altmiller said...

This pendant is so edgy and fantatsic! I love it! Nice work, Alenka :-) The grape vines are really beautiful too.